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Sigma Rules Integration Pack

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Sigma is a new revolutionary way to make better and faster threat detection content for SIEM! Sigma Rules Integration Pack is a free package developed by SOC Prime for integrating Sigma rules into ArcSight ESM, Command Center and Logger for threat hunting purposes. Content includes SOC-ready dashboard, SOC channel and Flex connector to enrich and pickup Sigma search results.

An online Sigma UI tool including spell-check and exporter to most common SIEM platforms is free at https://tdm.socprime.com/sigma/

Sigma is a generic and open signature format that allows you to describe relevant log events in a straight forward manner. The rule format is very flexible, easy to write and applicable to any type of log file. The main purpose of this project is to provide a structured form in which researchers or analysts can describe their once developed detection methods and make them shareable with others. Sigma is for log files what Snort is for network traffic and YARA is for files. Sigma is a private project mainly developed by Florian Roth and Thomas Patzke with feedback from many fellow analysts and friends. “Rules are our own or have been derived from blog posts, tweets or other public sources that are referenced in the rules.”

Sigma Use Cases

  • Describe your once discovered detection method in Sigma to make it shareable
  • Share the signature in the appendix of your analysis along with file hashes and C2 servers
  • Share the signature in threat intel communities - e.g. via MISP
  • Provide Sigma signatures for malicious behavior in your own application (Error messages, access violations, manipulations)
  • Integrate a new log into your SIEM and check the Sigma repository for available rules
  • Write a rule converter for your custom log analysis tool and process new Sigma rules automatically
  • Provide a free or commercial feed for Sigma signatures

Official Sigma repository: https://github.com/Neo23x0/sigma