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WannaCry / WannaCrypt ransomware worm Detector

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The goal of WannaCry Ransomware Worm Detector is to detect and stop the spread of WannaCry ransomware worm also known as WanaCryptor, WCry and WanaCrypt0r 2.0. WannaCry is an advanced ransomware worm using exploits in SMB published by Shadow Brokers to encrypt files of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It was used to commit cyber-attacks on multiple organizations in 100+ countries worldwide on May 12th 2017. WannaCry Ransomware Worm Detector seamlessly integrates with SIEM systems, takes only few minutes to deploy and provides high detection accuracy for WannaCry worm based on OSINT IOCs verified with Detect Tor.  Any feedback is welcome at dev@socprime.com